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 Dungeon fighter Online

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Dungeon fighter Online Empty
PostSubject: Dungeon fighter Online   Dungeon fighter Online EmptyTue Oct 27, 2009 5:59 am

Dungeon Fighter Online, a beat 'em up game published by Nexon.
Dungeon fighter Online Dungeon_fighter_online_logo
Character classes
There are 6 base character classes in Dungeon Fighter Online', and each class can specialize in a one of several subclasses upon reaching level 18. Each subclass can further advance at level 48 by accomplishing an awakening quest, gaining a new title and two new powerful skills. For example, a Gunner can become a Ranger at level 18, and is able to awaken as a Desperado at level 48.

A Slayer is a swordsman who uses melee weapons such as swords or blunt weapons, but cannot carry shields due to the demon possessing his left arm. The arm is bound in magical chains to restrain the power of the demon, and the power can be drawn out in order to execute special attacks. A female variant of the Slayer class has been announced, but has not yet been released.

He can be promoted to a Blade Master, who trains his swordsmanship in spite of the demon's disturbance, and is recommended for beginners; a Berserker, who gets their name by throwing themselves into the middle of a fight and sacrificing their own health to deal damage; a Soul Bender, which can summon various demon spirits to buff allies or damage enemies; or an Asura, who sacrifices his vision in order to gain powers such as imbuing their weapons with elemental properties. Also has Wave attacks such as Fire Wave and Neutral Wave Sword. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Grand Master, Soul Taker, Soul Reaper, and Dark Knight.

A Fighter is a close-range brawler class. Fighters use gauntlets, knuckles, claws (similar to serrated patas), and boxing gloves. A male version of the Fighter class is currently in development.

Promoted fighters can take several forms. Nen Masters can support their teammates or deal their own damage using their powerful spirit. Strikers are quick fighters, using fast punches and kicks to get the job done. Street Fighter can use dirty tricks such as throwing sand or nets, or inflicting status effects rather than fighting straight-forward and fair. Grapplers continue to train their bodies to grab and throw their opponents. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Blazing Flower, Champion, Hellcat, and Dervish respectively.

A Gunner is a tall, gun-wielding character class. They come from another country (the "Sky Realm") where magic does not exist and have therefore developed technology to compensate for it. Gunner is currently the only class available in both genders(Not yet implemented in North American Version. Only Male version is available.).[8]

Promoted gunners can take several forms. Rangers are a stylish sort of gunner, specializing in using revolvers. They excel in critical hits and quick attacks using both their gun and their kicks. Launchers are heavy weapon specialists. They use Gatling guns, flame throwers, missiles, laser rifles and Steyr sniper rifles, dealing massive area damage to enemies. Mechanics use robots to do their bidding by summoning a veritable army of robots to destroy their master's opponents. Spitfires specialize in infusing various elements into bullets and grenades to deal damage over large areas and inflict status effects. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Desperado, Blaster, Metalheart, and Viper respectively.

Mages are the smallest in terms of physical stature, but wield considerable powers by using magic. They come from the magical world of Pandemonium.[9]

Promoted magicians can take several forms. Elementalist control the four elements Fire (火), Water (水), Light (明), and Darkness (暗).[10] Summoners borrow the Power of the "Core" Which is the source of all Magical Energy. As they grow stronger they can summon more spirits or contracted monsters faster. (Summoners are not recommended for beginner players) Battle Mages prefer to use their weapons and closer range attacks to take down their opponents. Witches use magic with four elements. Upon reaching level 48, the classes can further advance to Archmage, Gaia, Bellatrix, and Sorceress respectively.

Priests are a brawling-type class, preferring to mostly use their fists, and occasionally huge weapons, including a cross or totem pole, to deal damage to enemies. They also can choose from a basic healing spell and a couple of other ability increasing spells.[11]

Promoted priests can take several forms. Crusaders are the only support class of priest, and have a large variety of buff spells and healing spells to support their teammates. There are two types of Crusader: battle and support. Monks are close-range brawlers, preferring to slam their weapon into the ground, which forms an area where the Monk's stats are increased, and rely solely on their fists to batter their enemies. Exorcists can choose to be either magic casters or physical types, specializing in the use of their weapons and/or friendly spirits. Finally, Avengers (avengers are currently not available in north america for some strange reason but hopefully will come soon) transform their bodies into demons, making them physically stronger at the cost of reducing speed. However if you are capable purchase some items he will gain some speed in order making him deadly as any normal demon.


A player starts out in a town every time he logs onto a server. NPCs sell items, buy things from the player, give quests, fix equipment, etc.

In every town there is a "Seria's". It is marked with a two white stone statues on both sides of the doorway. In here, a girl named Seria gives some quests and sells items and avatar accessories that require money counted in Seras. Seras are converted from real money or obtained free of charge from some special events. There is also a safe (stores up to eight different items, as long as their total weight is below 8 kg, however the safe can be upgraded holding more items, and also unlimited weight) and a Mailbox (used to send messages and items to other characters/players.)

In every town there is at least one area where when a character walks off the screen, the player will enter a dungeon selection mode. When in a dungeon, each room you enter will decrease your fatigue by 1. Each character has 156 fatigue to spend each day. If you run out of fatigue in the middle of a dungeon, you may continue to clear as many rooms as you wish until you either die or finish the dungeon. Without fatigue, a character can still walk around town and do PVP.

When you log in, there will be a button on the upper right side of the screen which says "Dueling place." In here you can move only to the bar, and you can fight other members.

Battles: Dungeons
A town may have more than one dungeon area. When the player's character walks out of the screen, the player comes to a map with several dungeons available. The accessibility of hidden dungeons and higher level dungeons each require a special "epic quests" earned from an NPC in town and the clear status of lower level dungeons, respectively.

Battles take place in a player selected "dungeon" where a player starts off in a starting area "room," destroying monsters and collecting dropped items spoils. Upon destroying all enemies in a room, one or more doorways directed up, down, left, and right, leading out of the conquered room lights up to show its accessible. Through these the player enters a new room where more enemies are. The player may revisit any room cleared previously and cleared rooms remain enemy-less and any spoils dropped on the ground remain. Finally, the player may enter a specially lit doorway that flashes in a different color than normal doors. This is the gate to the dungeon boss, where normal monsters and the dungeon bosses lurk. The dungeon is cleared as soon as the moment the boss dies, and any monsters left alive instantly die along with their boss, their experience points automatically added up to the players, and drop whatever items they have are dropped. If a player leaves the dungeon before killing the boss, or dies in battle without using a continue coin, a countdown will start and the player will be exited out of the battle.
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Dungeon fighter Online Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dungeon fighter Online   Dungeon fighter Online EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 8:02 am

Thats my kind of game.... ill try it
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