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 Anime Community Forum Rules

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Anime Community Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Anime Community Forum Rules   Anime Community Forum Rules EmptyFri Aug 07, 2009 12:31 am

Anime Community Forum Rules

What you are about to read are sets of rules that are to be followed while you are within the confines of this site. You are expected to read, understand and follow these rules. Rules are in place to ensure a healthy community. Each and every member is subject to abide the rules of this site.

Rule #1: Create A Thread In The Right Section.

Each section in the forums holds a certain subject to follow. Make sure that the thread you create belongs in the appropriate section. For example, anime threads are to be placed in Anime Discussion forum section, while Manga threads should be in the Manga forum section. Threads located in the wrong section will be moved, closed, or deleted on sight depending on the criteria & contents of the particular thread. Any request threads in any wrong forum sections made by junior members will be deleted on sight without warning

Rule #2: "Forum Flood" Is Not Allowed.

"Forum Flood" means any of the following:

* Two or more consecutive redundant posts in a row on the same thread.

There is an "edit" option for your post, please use the edit function if you want to update or correct a post on the thread without having to make a redundant post. An exception to this is when you have reached the limits of a single post which required to be continue on the next post, or you are posting short stories in Creative Corner.

* SPAM (Stupid Posts And Messages)

Replies to threads consisting only of one-liners, smiley icons, witty remarks, nonsenses,etc. Please put more effort in your posts & try to make them meaningful. Frequent post floodings of identical messages on multiple threads is not allowed. Do not post messages that are short and or not needed. Posting a message consecutively in different threads or in the same one will be counted as spam. "Ex: Posting a message in one thread then posting another message in another thread and so on.." If the posts are reasonable, then we shall consider how we should deal with them.

* Unintelligible & unclear posts.

Unintelligible posts will not be entertained and will most likely be deleted on sight. Make sure that your post can easily be read by other members to avoid confusion or misunderstandings. "l33t" or alien (self made) languages are not encouraged to be used on the forums. Please try to make the posts as universally understandable & clear when expressing any ideas, thoughts, or opinions to others.

* Creating another thread which is similar to an already existing active thread.

Any existing or redundant threads found will be merged with another existing thread, locked, or deleted, depending on the criteria & contents of the threads. Use the search function as reference for existing threads. If the particular thread is inactive, at least make a reference of it on your first post.

Rule #3: Please Show Common Courtesies

* Respect opinions of other members.

There are always multiple sides to an opinion. Show common courtesies to other members' opinions, and they will respect your opinions too. Should you find that a member's opinions contradicts or differs from yours, please do not attack the said member. Criticize the opinion instead, not the member

* Negative racism remarks are forbidden.

Inflammatory remarks about another's culture, country, religion, or ethnicity intended to incite hatred will not be tolerated. We do not allow threads that have the intent of attacking other peoples, cultures, countries & religions, as it could lead to members attacking each other. We will take note of the actual messages where a member use racial attacks against another member and will act accordingly to issue a suitable form of punishment, preferrably a ban.

* Every member is equal to another.

We are a community of equals. Post count, join date, member number, reputation points,and all other such measures are irrelevant. These elements are not important in reflecting who and what you are. Do not boss around other members just because you have higher reps, post counts,etc. If you observe these kind of behaviors/abuses on the forums, please report them to the staffs. The same goes for reputation system abuse. The staffs will investigate & punishment will be dealt with accordingly, based on case by case basis.


Plagiarism is not tolerated and will be either locked, or deleted. Please leave credit for the person who deserves it. When you copy a phrase from wikipedia for instance, please remember to leave your sources.

More rules will be applied later.
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