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 Rules/Ranks Of 13th Squad

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Posts : 49
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Join date : 2009-08-23
Location : Anywhere but Earth o.o

Rules/Ranks Of 13th Squad Empty
PostSubject: Rules/Ranks Of 13th Squad   Rules/Ranks Of 13th Squad EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 4:13 pm


Everyone joining this squad is accepting everyone else in the squad. After all this squad is named after the word: Heart.

Importance of the 13th Squad

The 13th Squad is an opened heart squad we will accept anyone in this squad, we will have to make anyone in this squad feels home. That is the job of the 13th Squad.

Disobedience's consequence

You will be warned the first time, you will be warned again the second time, but more than that, I will request you to get out of this squad.

If you are interested of joining this Squad, you are welcome. Please introduce yourself and after I've approved and give a seat, you might start helping this squad by giving suggestion.

Enjoy your stay at A.C. and the 13th Squad yayzor

Right now:
Captain: Schiffer4
3rd Seat:
4th Seat:
5th Seat:
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Rules/Ranks Of 13th Squad
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